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Waste Water Consultancy
Demetae Consulting works with the client to determine the requirement and produce solutions that fit the need of the organisation. Whether you are a large manufacturing organisation or small hill farm water will be a key part of your day to day work and successful management of this key element will allow your organisation to thrive in a sustainable way.


Planning for the future


Water is a valuable resource, and the impact of water management decisions are affecting everyone globally the importance of which should not be underestimated.

Preparing your organisation to meet the future and current challenges that water use creates enables it to be resilient to the economic and environmental changes that are ever present in the modern world.


Taking ownership of your water supply and generated waste water enables every organisation to deal with change, be it legislative or localised environmental conditions, without it affecting core activity, it allows the building of resilience and a reduction in time spent away from primary tasks.

finding Solutions to your Waste Water
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Responding to demand

Over the last few years increased awareness of the stress water management is placing on organisations has been all to obvious. The impact that the lack of water management has due to limited understanding in some sectors can result in the implementation of poor solutions to the symptom of a water problem rather than addressing the cause.


Getting to the root cause and applying a solution is always the best and in most cases the cost effective way to resolve water and waste water problems.


Demetae has found that organisations need support in identifying these root cause issues and have a real desire to address the water management issue and implement solutions fit for purpose but do not always have the skills in house to achieve this goal. Increasingly the result is to use product manufactures to address the symptom at point of discharge. 

Water Purification Treatment
    Call:  07519 028301


Improving the safety and cost effectiveness of your water treatment systems


  • Has the goal to help you improve your water treatment and water management.

  • Will work with you to understand where improvements or changes can be made to achieve this.

  • Help source appropriate services and resource to deliver quantifiable improvements.

  • Review and advise on existing offers of treatment equipment.

  • Support your organisation to meet the water challenge head on.


Ageing infrasturucture


Alun provides both technical and commercial pragmatism to the industrial wastewater projects I provided his previous employer with technical advice for. His technical knowledge is very good from discussions we have had.


Anthony W, Consultant Engineer(Desalination and Water treatment)





Alun is a highly organised and dedicated manager who is brilliant at problem solving and managing contracts, people and projects. A pleasure to work with. Highly recommended!


Laura K, Senior Engineer(Process)

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